Buyers Guide

The Nest Seekers Edge

  • With over 900 professionals in prime neighborhood locations Nest Seekers provides full service brokerage for buyers, renters, and corporate relocations, commercial, financial, and investment consultants.
  • Our service is beyond brokerage; we are a financial consultant, educator, and partner to the end user.
  • Provide you with a survey commonly known as comparative market analysis, which consists of intimate knowledge and an intense study of property value considering appreciation, supply and demand, presentation, price-per-square foot comparison, and image.
  • We have access to over 30,000 property listings, updated continuously; 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • We will conduct all searches for properties that work with your criteria and will suggest a number of options to satisfy your housing & lifestyle needs, including types of property, different neighborhoods, types of amenities, and layout configurations.
  • We will recommend an attorney, or work with yours to make sure an appropriate contract is prepared and signed promptly.
  • If you haven't pre qualified for a loan, we will recommend and coordinate all activities regarding your financing of the prospect property.

Buyer Checklist

  • Evaluate your budget - know what you want to spend for a down payment as well as monthly expenditures
  • (i.e. real estate taxes, monthly mortgage payment, utilities, etc)
  • Obtain mortgage pre-approval
  • Select an attorney who specializes in New Jersey Real Estate
  • Prioritize your needs - space, light, bedrooms, baths, fireplace, etc.
  • Identify your timeline for moving
  • Explore different neighborhoods to identify your preferred needs
  • Research schools in the selected neighborhood(s)
  • Evaluate access to transportation in the selected neighborhood(s)
  • Work closely with your broker to gather support materials for you mortgage application
  • Once propertyt has been selected, write sup on offer with your Real Estate agent.

Purchasing Process

  1. Seek pre-approval for a mortgage: Typical time frame: 1 - 2 days

    You must know how much you can spend before you spend it.

  2. Find a Property: Typical time frame: 1 week - 2 months

    Depending on what you are looking for, the length of your search will vary. The average person sees 10 homes before deciding on one. Internet-savvy buyers save time by doing their 'homework' before their search. The average number of homes viewed before buying by our internet buyers is 4-5.

  3. Negotiate on the Property: Typical time frame: 1-2 days
  4. Sign a Contract: Typical time frame: 1 day

    Generally, in a sales transaction, a New Jersey real estate attorney represents each buyer and seller. The realtor draws up the contract for the buyer, it is presented to the sellers agent and upon acceptance, both parties enter into "attorney review"

  5. Possible contingencies: financing, board approval, closing dates (see our list of closing costs associated with buying and selling condominiums and cooperatives.). The quicker the contract can be signed, the better. A contract is binding only after both parties sign it.
  6. Apply for a mortgage: Receive Commitment Letter from Lender. Typical time frame: 1 - 3 weeks

    Mortgage applications cannot be processed without an executed contract. If an apartment is being financed, the board requires a commitment letter from a lender. These letters are generally the last items to complete a board package/condo application.

  7. Complete a Board Package or Condominium Application: Typical time frame: 1 - 2 weeks

    Cooperative apartment buildings require board approval before a closing can take place. Condominiums require an information packet to be completed before a closing can take place. In order to review a potential purchaser, the board of directors for a co-op demand extensive information in a board package.

    Most boards request the following information: full financial disclosure (net worth) with supporting documentation, employment history, current salary, personal and business references, tax returns for the previous 3 years, credit history, etc. If a purchaser cannot or does not want to supply this information, he or she should buy a condominium.

    Board packages and condo applications are given to potential purchasers to fill out after a contract has been executed. If there is no financing, it usually takes about 2-4 weeks to gather the information for the board condominium application.

  8. Submit Board Package or Condo Application for the managing agent's review: Typical time frame: 1-4 weeks

    After the buyer's real estate agent completes the board package, he or she will forward the package to the managing agent of the building. The managing agent will inspect the package to ensure it is complete. The package will then be forwarded to the board of director's of the co-op. After the board reviews the package, they will decide if they would like to meet the potential purchaser.

  9. Meet the Coop Board for an Interview: Typical time frame: 30 minutes - 1 hour

    Co-op boards typically meet once a month, and some boards do not meet in August. Every board is different, but generally a board meeting will be held in the evening on a weeknight. Although a board interview may be granted, this does not guarantee board approval.

  10. Receive Approval from Board: Typical time frame: 1 day - 1 week

    After board interview, the managing agent will generally alert the seller's broker whether a potential purchaser has passed the board.

  11. Schedule a Closing: Typical time frame: 1-2 weeks

    After board approval managing agents generally set the date for closings, and lawyers for sellers and buyers coordinate with the appropriate banks on available dates and times.

    Typical time frame from the time an apartment is found, to the time an apartment closes: 1 - 4 mos.

Co-ops and Condos


  • A building owned by a corporation, comprised of the tenant shareholders of the building. Each tenant shareholder owns a number of shares in the corporation associated with his or her apartment rather than owning the apartment itself. The tenant shareholder has the right to occupy the apartment as his or her home by holding a proprietary lease to that apartment. In a co-op, the building and its tenants are subject to rules and regulations set forth in the by-laws of the corporation. If an owner would like to sublease his or her apartment or perform any alterations or renovations to it, he or she must get permission from the board of directors elected by the tenants in the building.
  • The monthly maintenance charges would include real estate tax, building maintenance and management fees. More than 80% of properties offered for sale in New York City are co-ops.

Closing Costs

Purchaser's attorney: $1,500 and up

Bank fees: Points 0-2.5%

Application, credit, appraisal, bank attorney and miscellaneous: $1,600

Mansion tax: See table at bottom*

Condominiums and Townhouses Buyer:

Purchaser's attorney: $1,500 and up

Application, credit, appraisal, bank attorney, and miscellaneous: $1,600

Tax escrows: 2-6 months

Mortgage tax: 1.75% of amount of mortgage on loans under $500,000; 1.875% of amount of mortgage on loans over $500,000

Fee title insurance: Approximately $450 per $100,000

Mortgage title insurance: Approximately $200 per $100,000

Miscellaneous title changes: $300


Real estate taxes: 1 to 3 months

Mansion tax: See table at bottom*

All costs are subject to change.

*Mansion Tax Table:

Mansion Tax Table