Ethan Jan

Ethan Jan
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
24-20 Jackson Ave Floor 3 Long Island City, NY 11101, USA
License: 10401386459

Fluent in both Chinese and English, Ethan brings a unique cultural and linguistic versatility to the real estate market. With 13,000 Instagram followers @reeltor.ethan and a strong digital presence, he leverages innovative marketing strategies to connect with buyers, sellers, and investors worldwide.

Educated at Taipei American School and NYU, Ethan has a strong academic foundation in real estate development, equipping him with expertise in market trends, property valuation, and investment strategies. His background in architecture and design further enhances his ability to assess properties beyond the numbers, offering clients a comprehensive perspective.

As an expert in Midtown, Midtown East, and Long Island City—where he has lived—Ethan provides data-driven insights and personalized service. Whether you're buying, selling, or investing, his attention to detail and commitment to excellence ensure a seamless and successful real estate experience.

精通中英文的 Ethan 在房地產市場中展現獨特的文化與語言優勢。擁有 13,000 名 Instagram 追蹤者@reeltor.ethan及強大的數位影響力,他運用創新行銷策略,成功連結全球買家、賣家與投資者。

Ethan 畢業於台北美國學校與紐約大學,擁有紮實的學術背景,精通房地產開發、市場趨勢、物業估值與投資策略。此外,他的建築與設計專業知識讓他不僅能從數據層面評估物件,更能提供全方位的專業見解,幫助客戶做出最明智的決策。

曾居住於Midtown、Midtown East 及 Long Island City,Ethan 深入掌握這些區域的市場動態,提供精準分析與量身打造的服務。無論您是購買、出售或投資房產,他對品質的堅持與對細節的高度講究,將確保您的交易順利圓滿。

精通中英文的 Ethan 在房地产市场中展现独特的文化与语言优势。拥有 13,000 名 Instagram 追踪者@reeltor.ethan及强大的数字影响力,他运用创新营销策略,成功连接全球买家、卖家与投资者。

Ethan 毕业于台北美国学校与纽约大学,拥有扎实的学术背景,精通房地产开发、市场趋势、物业估值与投资策略。此外,他的建筑与设计专业知识让他不仅能从数据层面评估房产,更能提供全方位的专业见解,帮助客户做出最明智的决策。

曾居住于 Midtown、Midtown East 及 Long Island City,Ethan 深入掌握这些区域的市场动态,提供精准分析与量身定制的服务。无论您是购买、出售或投资房产,他对品质的坚持与对细节的高度讲究,将确保您的交易顺利圆满。