Giancarlo Della Porta

Giancarlo Della Porta
Business Ambassador
Via Andrea Appiani, 25, 20121 Milano MI, Italy
License: n/a

Giancarlo della Porta began working in two banks. Afterward he was managing director and CEO in some companies with business in different forms of distribution: department stores, supermarkets and specialist stores.

From 2010, to follow his passion and intuition, he focused in luxury business, with the aim of bringing niche and independent Italian and European luxury and technological excellences to the world. In 2020 he changed completely business model of his company becoming an advisory company whose goal is the start-up and medium size companies business booster in order to make them attractive for investors, in BioPharmaceutical, in Innovation Tech and in Artificial Intelligence.

Giancarlo is the President of Federazione Nazionale Biofarmaceutica from March 2024.

This long and important experience has allowed him to build a significant international network, particularly in the luxury sector.