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TriBeCa Conods, Sip wine with Elana Gol Ledgin at Robert DeNero TribeCa Grill and Rental beauties

TriBeCa Conods, Sip wine with Elana Gol Ledgin at Robert DeNero TribeCa Grill and Rental beauties

I love TriBeCa. I had two buildings for sale there even in the down market. I love to work with my clients, some who thought they don't deserve more than a walkup although they earned close to $2M... So the challenges sometimes were to persuade them they deserve some luxury( W/D) even though it is more then 5 minute walk from their office... But when you go to TriBeCa with me, I have to take you to Robert De Nero restaurant TriBeCa Grill and share wine by the magnificent large mahogany bar that was brought in from Maxwell's Pub. We celebrate successful deal by tasting their chocolate cake.

lum restaurant

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