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Most expensive neighborhood in London in 2021

Most expensive neighborhood in London in 2021

According to data from Zoopla, the most expensive neighborhood in London in 2021 was Kensington, where the average property value was £1,907,383. Kensington is an affluent area located in West London, known for its luxurious properties and upscale amenities.

Other expensive neighborhoods in London include Chelsea, where the average property value was £1,607,310, and Mayfair, where the average property value was £1,458,735. These neighborhoods are popular with wealthy individuals and international investors, and are known for their prestige and exclusivity.

It is worth noting that property prices in London can vary significantly depending on a variety of factors, such as location, size, and condition of the property. It is always a good idea to do thorough research and seek professional advice before making any property decisions.

I am always happy to assist. Enjoy the magic of London!

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