Chinese (Mandarin)

Heng Chi
Heng Chi

Evina 21 岁时来到美国求学,完成学士学位后,继续深造并攻读 MBA 课程一年。毕业后,她在加州生活多年,专注于房地产行业,积累了丰富的市场经验。这些经历使她能够精准把握市场动态,为客户提供纽约与加州两地的专业房产服务。

Evina 拥有敏锐的市场洞察力,擅长为客户制定精准的买卖策略。她对艺术美学充满热情,尤其关注建筑风格与空间布局,凭借独特的审美视角,帮助客户挑选既符合个人品味又具投资价值的房产。她的美学素养与对空间设计的敏感度,使她能够深刻理解客户需求,并提供细致入微、全方位的房地产服务。

Dennis Ding
Dennis Ding

如果你在找曼哈顿的房源-请你与我联系。本公司是 纽约 房地产协会的会员,有很多房源的信息 ,每年有上千亿的交易量,使我们积累了很多宝贵的经验.我们将协助你免费从找房源,提供市场价格的咨询,贷款,房屋验收,出租等一条龙服务。

Dennis 出生在中国最大的金融大都会—上海。在纽约曼哈顿生活已有近 16年了,从事地产业已有很多年。由于他拥有中西文化的背景,使他在第一时间能为顾客提供市场的价格走向,以及 哪种房子的房型和风水更有升值潜力。
他最大的专长是 价格谈判,他一定会为你争取到最好的价格。
会说,广东话,上海话, 英文,台湾话。
2 房1厅 2000英尺 $ 8,00,000. 管理费 $2,200. 地税 $120.

3房1厅 3000英尺 $ 17,000,000 .管理费 $4,000. 地税 $ 315.

举世闻名中央公园 3房1厅 ,3卫生。500百万
林肯中心,名牌街,1房1 厅,2房 1 厅,3房1 厅。100百万起
上东城,上西城,有东河 和 哈德逊河夜景。1房 —2房 80万起
中城,23-38 街。交通,购物,饮食,

1。 外国人(一般是指没有绿卡的外国人)在美国买房有什么限制?

通常任何人都可以买房。 但是外国人在买卖房产的税务方面有所不同。一般要求卖方预交售房款10%的税。可以申请减少,税务局会根据不同情况个案处理。如果卖房增值不到10%的话,税务局会多退少补。

2。 用哪种形式买房产比较合理 ?

这要应人而异。 有人投资,有人自住,有的自住加出租 (多家庭的房子,可以部分出租,部分自住。)一般分个人拥有或公司拥有。公司还可分为:国外公司,有限责任公司,资产信托+多人有限责任公司,国外公司+有限责任公司。不同的公司形式会发生不同的税务责任。我们专业的律师和会计师会针对每人情况进行个体服务。



4. 买房所需的费用有哪些?


除了房款,买方还要准备大致下列费用 (假设不申请贷款)

1。 产权调查: 300美元

2。 产权记录: 200美元

3。 律师费: 1500 - 2000 美元

4。 豪宅税 :100万美元以上的房产要交1%的买房款作为豪宅税。

5。 信用调查费: 75美元

6。 入伙费: 1000美元

7。 转让费: 1% - 2% 的房款(每栋楼情况不同,有的可能不收。)

如要申请贷款的话, 还要再增加下列费用:

8。 评估费: 500美元

9。 银行费用: 1000美元

10。贷款税: 50万或以下税率为2.05%,超过50万税率为2.175%

5。 买房就能拿到绿卡吗?


6。 省了买方代理会降低买房成本吗?


所以买方无论有无代理,卖房成功后,卖方是一定要付佣金给其代理的。美国的惯例是由卖方付佣金,买方不必付佣金给其代理,却能享受到其代理的服务又何乐而不为那 !买房是一件大事,涉及上百万美金,没有专业认真的代理给你把关,想省钱最后可能得不偿失。
手机, 917-9817986
Yun Ding
Yun Ding丁韵

丁韵(Yun Ding), 纽约执照地产经纪人


现就职于美国知名地产公司Nest Seekers International, 团队在去年达到上亿美金成交额

丁韵从小在中国广东长大,随后迁往上海工作生活3年,后赴美国University of Montana攻读硕士,精通中文,粤语,英文流利,使她能够为不同背景的客户服务,达成国际交易;在中资以及中外合资地产公司任职的经历,让她具备良好的国际视野,同时日积月累的沉淀,使丁韵对纽约乃至新泽西黄金海岸的房地产市场有着独到及专业的见解;在房地产行业,她展示了自己在定价谈判、交易便利化和管理专业租赁代理关系网络方面的专业知识, 擅长中高端买卖及租赁代理,用专业和细致为每一位客户争取最大的利益。

Nest Seekers International, 是一家总部在纽约和伦敦的国际化地产公司。旗下拥有纽约排名第一的明星经纪人Ryan Serhant, Netflix 全球地产节目《Million Dollar Beach House》上的多位明星经纪,全球最大的地产视频博主Eric Conover。所在的团队New Development Marketing Team为全公司的所有楼盘项目做全球市场运营与宣传, 最一手的资源提供给所有的VIP客户, 顶级人脉资源, 贷款专家,律师团队,装修团队,设计团队等等,为您提供全方位的服务。




Carol Friedman
carol friedman
卡羅爾(Carol)在紐約找到了她完美的職業生涯,她用她丰富的知識和愛選擇成為紐約市房地產銷售。 卡羅爾​​被2010年的鳥巢求職者公司經紀名單列為頂級經紀之一。
Carol曾住在國外,並創建了一個國際銷售和經營的公司,把她推往了成功的道路上。 卡羅爾擁有超過20年的銷售談判的專業知識和與國際公司交易的經驗。 通過以前的業務她已經獲得了丰富的國際投資者客戶群。
卡羅爾在工作時是把她自己獻給她的買家和賣家的,她的客戶一定會受益於她的勤奮,決心和經營方針。 她明白,擺在她手上的每一個項目都是她要非常重視的責任。 她對每一位客戶和項目認真的態度和營銷經驗,使她被稱為“專業,誠實和一個正直的人”。卡羅爾出色的銷售能力,市場知識和個人奉獻是被公認的。
卡羅爾被指派監督和銷售公司最尊敬和最傑出的新的發展和共管項目 -36 Gramercy公園東和145列剋星敦大道。 這兩個項目非常成功地銷售一空。
Michelle (Chao) Gu
Michelle (Chao) Gu

Greetings, I'm Michelle Gu, your dedicated partner in the world of real estate.

As a seasoned real estate agent with a unique background in architecture, interior design, and development, I bring a multi-faceted approach to helping clients achieve their property dreams. My experience working with Extell Development, one of New York City's top developers, has given me a deep understanding of the real estate process from every angle—design, construction, and marketing. Additionally, my time at Meyer Davis, a renowned design firm, has further refined my eye for aesthetics and the art of creating spaces that resonate.

With a wealth of experience in both real estate and design, I offer a comprehensive perspective that goes beyond traditional buying and selling. I understand the power of a well-designed space, how it can enhance your lifestyle, and ultimately elevate the value of your property.

My philosophy centers around open communication, trust, and going the extra mile to ensure your real estate experience is not only successful but also enjoyable. I understand that each client has unique needs and aspirations, which is why I tailor my strategies to align with your goals.

Whether you're a first-time homebuyer seeking a place that resonates with your style or a homeowner looking to stage your property for a swift and profitable sale, I am dedicated to providing you with informed insights, skilled negotiations, and a seamless process from start to finish.

Let's work together to turn your real estate aspirations into beautifully designed, profitable realities. Whether you're looking to maximize the value of your property through strategic design and staging, or seeking skilled negotiations to secure the best deal, I am here to help. Get in touch today, and let's embark on this creative and profitable journey together.

Project Highlights

  • Central Park Tower
    Contributed to the design, construction, and marketing of this architectural marvel, the tallest residential building in the world, offering unparalleled luxury and views of Central Park.
    Visit the Central Park Tower website

  • One Manhattan Square
    Played a key role in the development of this transformative residential project on the Lower East Side, known for its extensive amenities and striking views of the Manhattan skyline.
    Visit the One Manhattan Square website

  • 50 West 66th Street
    Involved in the creation of this luxury residential tower on the Upper West Side, blending classic elegance with modern sophistication.
    Visit the 50 West 66th Street website

  • One57
    Assisted in the design and marketing of this iconic tower, often referred to as "The Billionaire Building," which set new standards for luxury living in New York City.
    Visit the One57 website

  • Mr. C Residences & Cipriani, Coconut Grove, Miami
    Contributed to the design and development of this luxury residential project, combining modern elegance with the iconic Cipriani hospitality.
    Visit the Mr. C Residences website

  • One Barangaroo Crown Residences, Sydney, Australia
    Played a key role in the design of this prestigious waterfront development, known for its unparalleled luxury and breathtaking views of Sydney Harbour.
    Visit the One Barangaroo website

Howard Henzel
Howard Henzel

霍华德·亨泽尔, Nestseekers国际公司副总裁,生长于纽约,致力于纽约公寓的购买ˎ 出售和租用。无论您是期望买卖公寓ˎ 商业空间ˎ 别墅或酒店,霍华德丰富的经验和专业的知识都能使您的过程轻松愉快。他曾与多名社会名流和专业运动员合作。霍华德对市场的精确把握,将确保您在合适的价格找到合适的物业, 这是他对客户始终如一的承诺。

除了拥有纽约市的豪华物业,汉普顿和迈阿密海滩的房产,霍华德也参与国际商业和住宅物业在法国ˎ 英国ˎ 圣特罗佩ˎ 开曼群岛ˎ 巴西ˎ 丹麦ˎ 哥斯达黎加ˎ 多米尼加共和国ˎ 墨西哥和其他许多国家的销售。他与世界各地建筑商,开发商和投资商保持密切关系,并被认为是国际房产专家。




霍华德目前正在与非营利性组织Harboring Hearts Housing合作,为心脏病患者和他们的照顾者在Jarvik 接受换心过程寻找能够负担的临时住所。


霍华德的团队精通多门语言:法语ˎ 俄语ˎ 德语ˎ 西班牙语ˎ 希伯来语ˎ 中文ˎ 菲律宾语ˎ 保加利亚语ˎ 克罗地亚语ˎ 塞尔维亚语ˎ 波斯尼亚语。


Platinum, Gramercy Starke, Madison Green, Sky Tower, Sheffield, Setai, Plaza, St Regis, Bromley, Gavensport, Orion, Trump Place, Trump Soho, Atelier, 88 Greenwich, Avery, Star Tower, City Lights, 99 John, W...






Kailun Huang
Kailun Huang

Born and raised in the vibrant city of Beijing, China, I bring a unique, international perspective to the world of real estate. I moved to the United States over 12 years ago to pursue my education, which ignited my deep passion for the real estate industry.

With a blend of cultural understanding and market expertise, I cater to both local and international clients, providing exceptional service that goes beyond the transaction. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, an investor, or looking to sell your property, my goal is to make your experience seamless, successful, and most importantly, fulfilling.

In my spare time, I love to play golf, poker and drink wines (no matter new/old world)

Let's work together and find your dream place to live!

Judy Jia

Judy从事地产行业以来,她的职业准则:用心倾听,精选房源,高效匹配,工作源于责任,服务源于真诚。 为了更好的服务客户,Judy 一直不断努力着。她对曼哈顿以及周边地区的租赁和买卖中各个环节都十分熟悉。

Judy来美十多年, 精通英文和中文,长期居住生活在纽约下城区。之前,她曾在金融行业工作,当过交易员,也做过机构销售。多元化的工作经历及文化背景,使她更能理解来自不同国家和地区以及有着不同文化和职业背景的客户们的具体需求。无论您对地产有任何需求,请联系Judy。她对市场独特的眼光,精准的判断力,确保让您满意!


Long Jin

Long Jin, a passionate and results-driven real estate professional dedicated to helping you achieve your property goals. His journey in real estate is fueled by a deep love for the market and a genuine desire to positively impact his clients' lives. His approach is grounded in integrity, personalized service, and comprehensive market knowledge. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, a seasoned investor, or looking to sell your property, He is here to guide you through every step with clarity and confidence.

With a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, he began his career in sales in 2014. The skills and insights he gained during those years have paved his path to becoming an elite real estate professional. His specialty lies in residential sales and investment opportunities, where he provides tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. His strong negotiation skills and keen attention to detail ensure that you receive the best possible outcomes, and his commitment to excellent customer service guarantees a smooth and satisfying experience. Having lived in New York for over a decade, his deep connection to the area allows him to offer valuable local insights and recommendations.

Outside of real estate, He is an AASI-certified snowboarding instructor with a passion for riding and teaching. He also enjoys basketball, outdoor activities, and is an elite Tasker on TaskRabbit, where he helps clients improve their homes. These diverse interests and skills enrich his ability to connect with clients and understand their needs from multiple perspectives.

He looks forward to the opportunity to work with you and assist you in achieving your real estate aspirations. Feel free to reach out to him to start your journey!

Perry Law
Perry Law
Perry 是一位全方面的专业人士,在纽约就读大学后,便开始了自己的职业生涯。他拥抱全球舞台,穿梭于香港、马来西亚和他心爱的纽约等繁华城市之间。多年来,Perry展现了他在销售和行销方面的实力,曾在充满竞争的香港市场为推广马来西亚房地产的团队做出了重大贡献。除了地产专业领域之外, Perry热爱时尚、艺术和设计,  因为多方面的兴趣带来对地产行业独特的见解跟执着。 Perry 拥有全球视野,加上对美学的敏锐眼光,使他成为大家心中兼具专业商业知识和创意天赋的理想合作伙伴。
Alisa Li

李慧是一名房地产经纪人,热衷于帮助她的客户实现他们的房地产目标。 她自2012年起一直在纽约市生活和工作,对当地市场有着深入的了解。 她的普通话也很流利,这使她能够为各种各样的客户提供服务。

李慧在堪萨斯州恩波里亚州立大学获得会计和工商管理学士和硕士学位。 她的职业生涯始于会计,但她很快意识到她真正的热情是房地产。

李慧通过帮助来自中国的国际学生在曼哈顿或长岛市寻找豪华出租屋开始了她的房地产之旅。 多年来,她将自己的专业知识扩展到了房地产销售和投资领域。她在帮助客户寻找高回报、低维护的房产方面拥有良好的成功记录,其中包括她自己在宾夕法尼亚州的 7 处投资房产。

李慧致力于为客户提供最高水平的服务和支持。 她知道购买或出售房屋可能是一个充满压力的过程,因此她会指导客户完成整个过程的每一步。 她也是一位熟练的谈判者,她会努力为客户争取最好的交易。

李慧是纽约房地产委员会(REBNY)的成员。 她本人也是一名投资者。 她和她的丈夫在布鲁克林、皇后区和长岛市拥有投资房产。 她还在宾夕法尼亚州拥有 7 处投资房产。 这段个人投资经历让李慧对投资市场有了独特的视角和理解。 她能够为客户提供宝贵的见解和建议,并且她只愿意推荐她自己认为值得投资的房产。

业余时间,李慧喜欢烹饪和旅行。 她也是当地华裔美国人社区的一员,她自愿花时间帮助新移民适应新家。

如果您正在寻找一位知识渊博、经验丰富并致力于帮助您实现目标的房地产经纪人,那么李慧就是您的最佳人选。 她是一位值得信赖的顾问,将指导您从头到尾完成整个房地产流程。

Instagram: huialisali

WeChat: alisa_6258338

Frank Li
Yingchun Li

Frank来自中国,他有着非凡的经历和对生活多样的热情。十多年来作为纽约人。他是石溪大学的一名自豪的校友,他对计算机科学的热爱就是在那里得到培养的。 Frank 在充满活力和竞争的银行和咨询行业拥有超过 10 年的工作经验,他曾在埃森哲咨询公司担任高级副总裁这一具有挑战的职务。他的职业生涯充满了丰富的投资和项目管理经验。



Liang Li


Linglong (Lynette) Li
Linglong (Lynette) Li

Lynette Li is a seasoned real estate salesperson with a multi-national background, boasting over a decade of expertise in the ever-evolving NYC and NJ residential real estate market. As a core member of our esteemed Bespoke Bethoney & Shen, Lynette plays a pivotal role in managing a substantial portion of the Nest Seekers real estate portfolio, which exceeds $1 billion. Her extensive knowledge and unmatched market insight firmly establish her as a standout figure in the industry.

Lynette's real estate journey encompasses various industry sectors, including high-end real estate, new developments, and luxury rentals. She has played integral roles in the management of well-known new development projects such as the Skyline Tower, Marina Astoria, 5 Court Square, Trio, Nexus LIC, and numerous other prestigious locations across Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Jersey City. Lynette's diverse portfolio serves as a testament to her deep expertise and profound understanding of the dynamic NYC/NJ residential real estate arena.

Highly respected by both colleagues and clients, Lynette is acknowledged for her unwavering professionalism, commitment, and trustworthiness. Within the industry, Lynette is known for her "high-touch" approach to each transaction and her attentiveness to client needs.

Before her career in real estate, Lynette gained international experience in client relations and communication, working with multinational companies in China and Dubai. She has considered New York City her home since her formative years, and in 2019, she made Jersey City her new residence. In her leisure time, she enjoys practicing yoga, savoring fine wine, and cherishing moments with her Pomeranian. Lynette holds a B.A. from Queens College and, as a native of China, is proficient in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.

Mian (Michelle) Li
Mian (Michelle) Li

Michelle moved to the United States when she was 18. She graduated from the City College of New York with a master’s degree in branding and integrated communications. With a decade of residence in New York, she has found her passion in the real estate industry and has joined the Bethoney & Shen Team, one of the most successful and experienced teams at Nest Seekers International. Before her career in real estate, Michelle has spent her early years working in the entertainment and fashion industry. She has gained international experience in account management, project management, clients relationships and professional communications, working with multinational companies in China and the U.S.. Michelle's advantages are market research, data analysis and sales negotiation that will ensure the best experience for your real estate journey. In her leisure time, she enjoys traveling and reading because she believes traveling ten thousands of miles is as important as reading ten thousands of books.

Michelle 18 岁时移居美国,毕业于纽约市立学院品牌整合传播硕士学位。在纽约居住有十年之久,她发现自己对房地产行业充满热情,并加入了 Nest Seekers International 最成功、最有经验的团队之一 Bethoney & Shen 。在从事房地产行业之前,Michelle 早年从事娱乐和时尚行业。她在中国和美国的跨国公司工作,在客户管理、项目管理、客户关系和专业沟通方面拥有国际经验。Michelle 的优势是市场研究、数据分析和销售谈判,可确保您的房地产之旅获得最佳体验。在闲暇时间,她喜欢旅行和阅读,因为她相信行万里路和读万卷书一样重要。

Benjamin Lieblein
Ben Lieblein
Ben Lieblein
还是职业拳击队的兼职经理人。他时常接受 ESPNHBO Showime PPV Univision 等媒体专访。
Xiao Rui Lin-Ruan

Vice President - New Development Sales & Marketing

A lifelong New Yorker with over an extraordinary decade in real estate, Xiao Rui pairs her love and knowledge of the city with her professional background to offer unparalleled service and competitively market your property and expertly negotiate for you in one of the world's most dynamic and demanding real estate markets.

Xiao Rui's degree in Psychology and an extensive set of experiences in client relations and marketing allows her to bring unique insight, keen understanding, and personalized care to each interaction. She is solutions-oriented as she thoroughly researches for a tailored approach to each client's situation. Her background in marketing allows her to expertly showcase your property to attract the most qualified buyers and strategically negotiate the best deal for you. Along with her fluency in three Chinese dialects, she has also studied in Japan, volunteered in Cambodia, worked in India and at an international Italian company, and traveled through several continents.

With a specialty in new developments and resales across Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens, Xiao Rui has represented over $500 million in sales. From pre-sales to record-breaking sell-outs, she has represented Hero (Long Island City) and The Artisan (Astoria), and served as Sales Director for Eden (Long Island City). Currently, she is the Sales Director for several new developments throughout Manhattan and Queens - 145 Central Park North in South Harlem, The Mōna in Astoria, and La Vita in Flushing.

She also manages 3 properties throughout Manhattan, Queens and Bronx and currently resides in Queens with her husband, their five year old toddler and an nine year old Alaskan Klee Kai. They can be seen exploring the different food scenes throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens and traveling throughout Asia and Europe.

Ada Luo
Ada Luo

Born and raised in New York City, Ada brings a distinct cultural perspective and a wealth of expertise to the real estate market. She has experience working with top-tier real estate investment firms, including Fortune 500 companies like JLL and Tishman Speyer, and helps manage her family's real estate properties.

Ada has refined her expertise in client relationship management, negotiation, and problem-solving which enables her to provide expert real estate advice to buyers, sellers, and renters throughout New York City.

Ada has a genuine interest in what drives people, which makes her a great questioner and listener. This enables her to understand her clients’ demands and priorities, assisting them in every step of their Real Estate journey. Her commitment and loyalty will ensure that she remains her clients’ dedicated agent and advisor for Real Estate in New York.

In addition to her Real Estate Salesperson License, Ada has a B.S. in Real Estate Finance from New York University (NYU). Beyond real estate, she has a passion for traveling, running, exploring new fitness classes, and discovering the diverse culinary experiences that New York City has to offer.

Angila Mansukhani
Angila Mansukhani

Hello, I'm Angila, a professional hailing from the vibrant and diverse nation of India. For over two years, I have been an integral part of the dynamic Dubai Real Estate industry. My journey in this field began as a sales agent, but over time, I transitioned into the role of managing listings for several prominent companies in Dubai. Crafting high-quality property listings and efficiently overseeing them has become my forte, and I am truly passionate about it.

Apart from my real estate endeavors, I have a deep love for languages, and I am proud to say that I am fluent in Mandarin Chinese. The ability to communicate in multiple languages has opened doors to enriching cultural experiences and fostered valuable connections in both my personal and professional life.

In addition to my linguistic pursuits, teaching holds a special place in my heart. I am enthusiastic about sharing knowledge and empowering others through education. Currently, I am dedicated to furthering my own education by pursuing a Master's Degree in Human Resource Management, a field that aligns with my commitment to personal and professional development.

I am delighted to be a part of this team, where I can contribute my skills, share my passion for real estate , and continue my journey of growth and learning. The opportunity to work with a like-minded and motivated team is something that brings me immense joy, and I am eager to collaborate and make a positive impact in this exciting environment.

Krisha Park
Krisha Park



"Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts." - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr Homesick in Heaven













Nayi Shen
沈娜伊 Nayi Shen

Nest Seekers International 副总裁 & 全球营销总监

Bethoney Shen 地产团队创始人

娜伊(Nayi)是土生土长的东北女孩,中英文流利,一直在纽约从事房地产行业,纽约地产经纪人行业最高职称,纽约房地产董事会(REBNY)的会员, 新泽西REALTORS® 地产协会会员。在加入Nest Seekers国际地产公司之前,Nayi曾管理2家纽约创业型地产公司,多年管理和销售经验。 Nayi最擅长整栋楼盘代理, 高端房产买卖与租赁,长期与个大开发商保持紧密的合作关系。在过去的三年, Nayi团队代理的楼盘多次打破纽约各地区销售记录。2022年, Nayi的团队1.75亿美金成交额,销售成单量全纽约州四名团队。Nayi曾多次受邀录制美国中文电视的知名地产节目 《安家纽约 》和《安家美国 》,《中国日报》刊登过Nayi关于纽约地产的采访, Nayi也是活跃的纽约地产&生活类博主。


2023年纽约销售第二名楼盘 -- Greene 45-30 Pearson St (#2 selling buildling in NYC 2023)

2021 & 2022 纽约皇后区销售第一楼盘 -Skyline Tower 3 Court Square (#1 selling building in Queens in 2021 & 2022)

新泽西州历史上第一高住宅楼 ---99 Hudson, Perla on Broadway in Los Angeles

2022年 纽约销售第一楼盘--Neighborly LIC (#1 selling building in NYC 2020)

2021年 布鲁克林销售第一楼盘-- 567 Ocean (#1 selling building in Brooklyn 2021)






电话: 585-666-6566


Hermes Shi
Hermes Shi

Born in Tokyo, raised in Brooklyn. Hermes is a global nomad who has a multilingual background and experiences living abroad in four countries. It was in Melbourne, Australia that Hermes discovered her interest in modern architecture and real estate. She knows her way around the Big Apple where she spent her early years working in SoHo, and commuting between Brooklyn and Downtown Manhattan. With that being said, Hermes knows exactly what it means to find a place in a big city that feels like home.

Throughout her continuous practice of becoming an advanced intercultural communicator, Hermes became an experienced sales consultant with a demonstrated history of working in luxury retail and operations management. She also has expertise in financial services as an advisor who specializes in life insurance and investment planning. Her notable experiences, along with her fluency in Mandarin and Cantonese, makes her an interpersonal and analytical young agent who will find you the perfect home in the concrete jungle.

When Hermes is not hustling, you will find her traveling to all the beaches around the world or trying out the newest brunch spots in Astoria.

Penny Wang

Originally from China, living in the city and love Real Estate.
Penny has lived in the U.S. for over 10 years. She used to live in Hawaii to obtain her master's degree, and then moved to New York focus on Real Estate. She likes traveling, exploring different countries and seeing different cultures and lifestyle, which expires her to learn more about her clients.
She holds both New York and New Jersey real estate licenses. Fluent in Chinese and English. Good at real estate leasing and trading in five districts of New York, having sharp sense of market changes and investment direction. Penny has helped a lot of first-time buyers and overseas investment clients to settle down in New York. She likes to meet new people and make friends, know their needs and help them achieve the target.
Penny worked as a Sales Manager in a global real estate company before, and led her team members to rank first in the Sales performance of the company for many times. Years of real estate industry experience has accumulated a professional real estate team. If you have any leasing, selling and buying questions, please contact Penny directly .

WeChat: peipeipenny09


Steven Wang
haoquan wang

Moving from Qingdao, China in 2011 where he garnered over 10 years of experience in customer service and travel, Steven is eager to help you find your next home! Graduating with a BBA in finance from Baruch College earlier this year, Steven brings his immense knowledge in business to the real estate field. When he’s not assisting his clients you can usually find Steven out eating at one of NYC’s many delicious restaurants. In fact it’s his love of food that helped him become an expert on the many diverse neighborhoods NYC has to offer. If you’re looking for someone to find you a beautiful place to live as well as chat about all NYC has to offer look no further, contact Steven Wang today.

Sylva Wang
Sylva Wang

Having experienced life in diverse geo-cultural and residential settings, Sylva discovered her passion for real estate while navigating the distinctions between suburban tranquility and the vibrancy of big cities, contemplating the differences between living in a house and an apartment, and discerning the subtleties of northern and southern climates. She recognizes the impact of living space on individuals and considers from her client’s perspective.

Along with real estate, Sylva collaborates closely with the art and fashion industry. Holding a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Rhode Island School of Design, Sylva has cultivated a profound understanding of aesthetics and attention to detail. Patient and persevering, she always keeps a keen eye on listings and tailors her service to different demands.

Languages: English, Mandarin(中文)

小红书: Sylva纽约泽西精品房产

WeChat: _925home

Zirui Wang
Zirui Wang





Jun Xu
Jun Xu




Ziyi Xue
Ziyi Xue







微信: Vickiovickio


Chloe Yang
Chloe Yang

Chloe, originally from Beijing, China, has spent the past fourteen years embracing diverse cultures and living experiences across multiple states in the United States. She holds a Master’s degree in Statistics and Mathematics, significantly shaping her analytical approach throughout her career.

Before she transitioned into real estate, Chloe dedicated three years to the banking and fintech sectors as a data and business analyst. Her primary focus areas included risk analysis, data governance, and banking regulations. Her specialization extended to loan services, along with marketing and sales strategies, which provided her with profound insights into customer acquisition, retention, and re-engagement processes.

In her current role as a real estate professional, Chloe effectively applies her extensive background in data analysis and customer behavior to deliver personalized services within the rental market. Her fluency in both English and Mandarin significantly enhances her communicative prowess, enabling her to effectively meet diverse client needs and manage complex negotiations with ease. She is adept in maintaining up-to-date customer information and staying abreast of the latest market trends, ensuring that her clients are well-equipped with the finest resources available.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Chloe has a deep passion for fashion, art, and music. She enjoys fashion sketching, frequenting museums and galleries, and possesses proficiency in playing several musical instruments and various dance styles. Additionally, as a certified bartender, she delights in creating new experiences, akin to her enthusiasm for travel and outdoor activities.

For those seeking their next home or requiring expert advice on real estate investments, Chloe offers a unique blend of analytical rigor and creative finesse, ensuring that all real estate decisions are informed, culturally cognizant, and impeccably aligned with client needs.






Renee Yang
Renee Yang

Renee was born and raised in Shanghai. Renee came to the United States in 2014 and graduated from the University of Rochester majoring in Statistics. Now Renee is at New York University and studying M.S Real Estate Finance, expected to graduate in 2024. Both Renee's dad and grandpa are architects, so she has a strong interest in Real Estate and she has learned 2 years of architecture in college. Since she graduated from college in 2018, Renee has been working in real estate for six years.

Renee is good at communicating with clients, understanding the client’s needs, and applying her professional knowledge of suggestions. Since Reneehas a background in data analysis, she can help clients do lots of research and analysis on their condos for those who are interested in investing. The real estate finance study at NYU also improved her investment analysis ability.

During her daily life, Renee likes to explore New York City for hidden gem restaurants. During the winter time, Renee snowboarding a lot. For a personal time, she enjoys listening to the music. Renee also has three cats in my home.

Shu Yao

Ace, ESFJ,15年前从中国来到美国求学,精通中英文。拥有东西两岸丰富的生活和学习经验,并在纽约地产行业积累了近10年的工作经历。




Jack Yu
Jack Yu

Jack’s professional journey has been a blend of diverse experiences that have honed his ​business acumen and negotiation skills. As a commercial ship broker for one of the ​largest shipping firms in Norway, he developed a deep understanding of complex ​transactions, market dynamics, and the importance of building trust with clients. This ​experience, coupled with his subsequent role as an art broker in Singapore, allowed him ​to cultivate a refined taste for luxury and an appreciation for the unique value ​proposition of high-end assets.

Portugal's captivating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty has drawn him in, ​where he made it his second home in 2022. Jack is eager to assist clients to find their ​dream properties in the vibrant Portuguese real estate market as well as curating their ​other asset classes like yatchs and art from Europe.

Mandy Zhang
Mandy Zhang

Born in China and raised in New York, Mandy Zhang has a strong knowledge of New York City and its surrounding areas. She loves getting to know her clients, understanding their unique needs, and helping them find homes that perfectly complement their lifestyle.

Before joining the Bethoney Shen team, Mandy built a strong track record in consulting and technology, sharpening her analytical expertise and client-first approach. A proud University of Michigan alumni, she also holds a Master of Science in Finance from Fordham University and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Real Estate at New York University. She combines her finance skills with a deep passion for real estate, allowing her to provide clients with both strategic and market-driven insights.

Having lived in Manhattan, Queens, and Long Island—including the past three years in Long Island City—Mandy brings deep market insight and a true passion for helping clients turn their real estate dreams into reality. Fluent in Mandarin and English, she is committed to providing a seamless, best-in-class experience. Whether buying, selling, or investing, her expertise, strategic mindset, and unwavering dedication make her the trusted advisor you want by your side.

In her free time, Mandy enjoys traveling, perfecting her tennis game, and taking long walks with her Shiba-inu.

Tony Zhang



现就职于美国知名地产公司Nest Seekers International, 团队2023年达到上亿美金成交额




Tony 专注于曼哈顿、长岛市和布鲁克林市中心的单间、一居室和两居室房产。居住在长岛市四年后,他对这个区域非常熟悉,并不断探索和深入了解曼哈顿、长岛市及布鲁克林市中心的各个街区。Tony 目前在纽约大学攻读 MBA 学位,主修房地产与金融,这使他能够为客户们提供更深入的市场分析和财务建议,从而提升客户们的投资决策质量。

Tony中英文流利,因此能够为多样化的客户群体提供更直接的沟通与服务。工作之余,Tony 热爱唱歌、翻唱歌曲,以及滑雪和远足等户外活动。作为一名体育爱好者,Tony曾在全球 43 个滑雪场滑雪,感受雪山的独特魅力;2023年他完成了纽约全程马拉松;在刚刚过去的 2024年8月,Tony在巴黎观看了19场奥运会赛事,以及开幕式和闭幕式。

Yijun Zhou

🔥Bespoke Bethoney & Shen

🔺纽约大学 地产开发硕士
🔺普瑞特 最高荣誉学士

🔸Instagram: YJ_NYC
🔸Tel: 917-640-4339
🔸小红书: 君君在纽约

Huan (Amy) Zhu
Huan (Amy) Zhu

Huan (Amy) Zhu, CFA is a highly skilled and dedicated real estate agent with an impressive blend of analytical prowess and a passion for the real estate market. As a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) charter holder, Huan brings a rigorous and methodical approach to every transaction, ensuring that her clients benefit from her extensive knowledge and expertise in both finance and real estate.

With over a decade of experience in corporate finance, Huan has honed her skills in top-tier asset management and real estate firms. Her tenure in these roles has equipped her with a deep understanding of market dynamics, investment strategies, and financial analysis. This background allows her to offer her clients unparalleled insights and guidance, whether they are buying, selling, or investing in property.

Huan's analytical mindset and attention to detail set her apart in the competitive real estate industry. Her ability to interpret complex financial data and translate it into actionable advice makes her a trusted advisor for both first-time homebuyers and seasoned investors.

Passionate about real estate, Huan is committed to providing exceptional service and building long-lasting relationships with her clients. She believes that every real estate transaction is not just a business deal, but a step towards achieving personal and financial aspirations. Her dedication to her clients' success is evident in her proactive approach, transparent communication, and unwavering integrity.

Huan leverages her extensive finance background and real estate acumen to deliver outstanding results. Her goal is to make the real estate journey smooth, informed, and ultimately rewarding for her clients. Huan grew up in Beijing and went to Japan for elementary school for 2 years.

Huan earned her Bachelor's degree in Economics from Xiamen University and she was a member of the college swim team. She got her Master's degree in Finance from the Simon Business School at the University of Rochester Huan has been living in Long Island City for over 8 years. Outside of work, she enjoys exploring different cuisines and is a big fan of art museums. She is also an avid traveler and has visited over 20 countries.



朱鹮, CFA 是一位技术高超且敬业的房地产经纪人,拥有令人印象深刻的分析能力和对房地产市场的热情。作为特许金融分析师(CFA)证书持有者,朱鹮在每一笔交易中利用严谨的态度和系统的方法,确保客户能够从她在金融和房地产领域的广泛知识和专业技 能中受益。





朱鹮在北京长大, 小学时曾在日本学习两年。她在厦门大学获得经济学学士学位,并且是大学游泳队的成员。之后,她在罗切斯特大学西蒙商学院获得了金融硕士学位。
